Master Keys for Kids wants to encourage a national conversation and focus on improving how we treat one another and the ethical development of our children. Here are tools to help families and classrooms to assist kids to process their emotions and develop character.
Many studies are coming out as to the importance of balancing emotional intelligence along with the intellectual development of our children. What is frequently found lacking is helping kids to process emotions and handle stress. Issues of bullying, anxiety, failure, poor self-esteem, and acting out could all be helped if we focus more on mindful character development.
So many schools are being burdened with parents at odds with the staff while modeling rude behavior to their children. We are normalizing name-calling, public insults and in extreme cases, actual threats. Picture instead families and classrooms focusing together on the same lesson while modeling it themselves..
Here are tools to teach that how we treat others will either bond our society or damage it eventually hurting the ones we love. Look to this toolbox to support your everyday world to prioritize ethics, manners, and character. Your children will thank you.
We are at a tipping point of public discourse as we create a new normal of rude and mean treatment of one another. Which way will you choose for your children and what kind of world will they create?