For All Kids
The Up on Your Feet program uses creative play to process emotions, improve self-confidence, and the expansion of kid’s creative selves through improv, storytelling, music, movement, and mindfulness.
A mind that is already too stimulated cannot create, it only reacts but a mind that is engaged in the art of playful creativity is open, present, and increases its awareness of interacting with others. There is no failure or criticism when playing. Being playful dislodges judgement and the need to get something right. There is experimentation and the only boundaries are one’s imagination.
Mindfulness Training helps with:
- Spats with friends
• Stress over school work
• Self-control
• Compassion towards others
• Class attention
• Life challenges
• Assimilating new information
Help children find their own voice.
Improv for kids teaches:
• Focus
• Teamwork
• Confidence
• Problem solving.
Simple games encourage bonding & active listening;
Role playing and getting to know other people’s stories opens the door to learning empathy; a shared humanity;
Mindfulness skills teach stress management, reduction of anxiety, and focus.
The Manner for All Seasons Story Series uses the power of storytelling to teach select skills with interactive vocabulary.
Mini-Musicals are being developed for the After School program based on the Master Keys Story series which can culminate a semester and be used as a fund-raising event.

“Students’ involvement in plays, musicals, drama club and acting classes yielded various results, including the following: improved reading proficiency, growth in self-concept and motivation, increased empathy and tolerance for others.”
Products of the Performing Arts: Effects of the Performing Arts on Children’s Personal Development and Howto Use Research to Initiate Policy Change

Fundraising Opportunity
The semester can culminate in a show of one of Master Keys’ one act musicals, or original material the kids create, or parents observing the kids playing the games. There is also the opportunity for willing parents and teachers joining in creating a whole other level of growth and bonding.
“The Lana’i Academy of Performing Arts thanks you for everything you have taught us. We hope to continue to work and learn with you in the future.”
Matt Glickstein, Music Director, Lana’i Academy of Performing Arts
“Being a kid, we need someone to guide us and that is exactly what Ms. Beckwith does. She teaches us what we want to learn. I really love Manners class!” – Brooke, Grade Three
“Sandra Beckwith has created a very thoughtful program that not only supports the well-being of the students but also promotes social cohesiveness in the classroom.” – Marilyn Sloan , Second grade teacher, St. Martin of Tours School